A Laurel Note: Barber Shop

In the beginning, I gave Owen his hair cuts. And, when Cozy Cuts came along, a salon catering to tots that not only provided hair cuts, but displayed toys, floor to ceiling, available for purchase (lucky parents!) we went there. And then one day, when he was four, I took Owen to the local barber shop, for his first manly haircut. We were drop-ins, and there was a wait. Several low stacks of magazines lay on a table, but nothing much to interest a young boy. At the top of one of these stacks was a Town and Country featuring Princess Di on the cover, with her short, modern haircut and stylish but practical dress. Having been quite enthralled with royalty, though of the fairytale variety, at Owen’s age, I thought this might engage him for a minute or two. “Look at this Owen,” I said, holding up the magazine for him to see, “A real princess! This is Diana, Princess of Wales.” He cast an eye over the photo, and shrugged. Somewhat deflated, I guessed that he was disappointed in Diana’s modern, everyday appearance, having expected instead jewels, a crown, a long gown trimmed in ermine, and a scepter. I said, “Yeah, I guess she doesn’t look that much like a princess, does she,?” and he said, “No. And she doesn’t look much like a whale, either.”

Ana Davis

Designer of glassware, ceramics, gifts & textiles. I love old buildings, mid-century design, children’s books, old fashioned paintings, and parties!


A Note from Alexa Caldwell


Easter egg hunt 2019