A Note from Alexa Caldwell

An SAS classmate and good friend of Owen’s

When I think of Owen, I first picture his wolfish grin and eyes that would sparkle with wit or mischief. Then I have "Walk Like A Man" playing in my head as I'd try to join Owen in the Jersey Boys dance/strut that would accompany the song, his lanky arms swinging, head tilted back as he would follow the choreography to the song. Every time I would hear or play that song, I try to imitate Owen's dance. His facial expressions were wonderful - wide eyed and sincere when asking questions. But mostly, I think we appreciated each other because we are both quick to smile or make a joke. The only times I'd see Owen upset were during tennis matches, but then, I'd still enjoy myself because Owen was such an animated player, especially when cursing at himself in French.

Alexa Caldwell

Ana Davis

Designer of glassware, ceramics, gifts & textiles. I love old buildings, mid-century design, children’s books, old fashioned paintings, and parties!


Headed to his first job interview


A Laurel Note: Barber Shop