Message to Owen from Suzuki Family

The Strong family and Suzuki family met in the beginning of Sep,1994, playing in the playground of the Riverside park. 

There were Ed, Owen, Leda and Keiko, Sho, Rei. As the kids were the same age, they just started to play together.

After a few days, it was the first day of Ethical Culture Fieldston school. Our family was nervous, but then we found Ed and Owen in front of the kindergarten classroom. Ed and Owen soon noticed us too, and we both realized that we were in the same school.

Sho was nervous to enroll in a school for the first time, but relieved to see the boy who he had just played with a few days before.

In the first grade, being in the same class, Owen and Sho got close. Playing in Central park after school or on playdates in each other’s house. The Strong family let Sho's sister Rei join them too.

Leda, you were really a little child but already very kind, letting Rei play with your  toys, playing with her, although her English wasn't very good. We truly appreciate it.

When Sho watched the ET movie, seeing Eliot and ET saying good bye, he cried saying "What should I do when I need to say goodbye to Owen?"

Sho was an active kid but was not that good at English. However, Owen never abandoned Sho, he was always beside him. I am sure that Sho was able to have fun at school because Owen was there.

Changing into PJs, hopping into the car in the evening, and going to the upstate country house. 

Screaming seeing the snake swiming in the pool. 

How delicious the tomatos made and cooked by Laurel were. 

Owen knowing many names of birds.

We still remember all of these, as if it was just yesterday.

Owen, we are so sad that you have gone before us, but you will be living in the Suzuki family.  The time and experience we spent together still impacts us, changing our family forever.

Owen, thank you.

Ana Davis

Designer of glassware, ceramics, gifts & textiles. I love old buildings, mid-century design, children’s books, old fashioned paintings, and parties!

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