The Tony Awards 2017

A note from director Warner Shook

Dear Ed -

You know, I only met Owen twice.
And yet each time he made such an impression, that I have two very vivid memories:

The first was Tony night a few years ago: A jubilant Father and Son out on the town & looking like a million bucks in their respective tuxes (his I think was rented!). You were waiting in line to get into Radio City, and 
the chemistry & love between you two was palpable, infectious.

The second was at Michael Albin’s 50th. The dinner was winding down & all of sudden up the stairs burst this ebullient, open hearted, absolutely gorgeous young man, followed in hot pursuit by a tall young lovely. I said to her “Oh honey, he is dreamy; you really should go for this”, to which she replied “BELIEVE ME, I’M TRYING!"  —Warner 

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Ana Davis

Designer of glassware, ceramics, gifts & textiles. I love old buildings, mid-century design, children’s books, old fashioned paintings, and parties!

A Note from Leda Strong


Tejas the Dog