Christmas gift from Owen to Leda, 2018

There were so many ways Owen “got it” – felt for people and connected with them – in a way few others could, and to an almost superhuman extent. My love of the UNC Tar Heels is pretty obvious to anyone who spends about five minutes with me, but what is lesser known is a secret shame at just how invested in their basketball games I get. I was always the “loud one” growing up, and probably still am, but I just don’t know any other way to be.  As you can imagine, this facet of my personality felt like an enemy during the high school years, when being “chill” was a quality of the highest order, and I often still battle with my need to speak up (or shout) when everyone else seems to get by just fine in relative quietude. 

In the private moments of reflection that seem to come in too much abundance these days, I find myself wondering if my friends and loved ones also wish I’d cool it every now and then.  But not Owen.  Owen always wanted me—and everyone he loved—to know how much he appreciated and accepted us just the way we are.  For Christmas in 2018, he gave me this megaphone accompanied by a t-shirt picturing the North Carolina basketball head coach, Roy Williams.  He specifically said the megaphone was to be used while watching my beloved Tar Heels’ games, so that everyone else undoubtedly had the privilege of hearing my color commentary and typically correct opinions (Owen’s words, not mine—well, paraphrasing).  I have largely spared the general public from use of this megaphone at bars and restaurants, but I always look at it and remember a brother who wanted everything in the world for me, except that I mute my volume.

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Ana Davis

Designer of glassware, ceramics, gifts & textiles. I love old buildings, mid-century design, children’s books, old fashioned paintings, and parties!

A Note from Benedetta Schoenborn